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BS160-BS450 One Way Bearing Cam Clutch
The BS series Cam Clutches are intended for applications where reverse rotation of the slow speed conveyor head shaft is to be prevented (backstopping).
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Product Detail


The BS series Cam Clutches are intended for

applications where reverse rotation of the slow speed

conveyor head shaft is to be prevented (backstopping).

Dimensions and Capacities

W. Min Weight at Minimum Bore

W. Max Weight at Maximum Bore

Installation and Usage
1. Recommended shaft tolerance is h7 or h8.
2. Before installation, verify that the direction of the rotation of
the inner race of the BS Cam Clutch (shown by the arrow
on the end face of the inner race) is the same as the
direction of the rotation of the conveyor.
3. Securely install the torque arm to the BS Cam Clutch
using bolts with a strength class of 10.9 grade or higher.
Make sure the surface of the torque arm that contacts the
end face of the outer race is flat and free of dust in order
to get enough frictional force.
4. Apply pressure only on the end face of the inner race
when inserting the BS Cam Clutch on to the shaft. Do not
hit the inner race directly with a hammer or apply
pressure on the outer race, oil seal, or grease fitting.
5. Always use a parallel key for installation onto the shaft
and then fix the BS Cam Clutch to the shaft with the end
plate. Never use a tapered key, otherwise the Cam Clutch
will be damaged.
6. When installing models BS160HS or BS160 and above
(grease lubrication types), place one of the four socket
plugs underneath the Cam Clutch. This will allow for easy
drainage of the grease during maintenance.
7. The end tip of the torque arm will swing to some extent
while the conveyor is operating. Support the torque arm
end tip only in the direction of rotation, but be sure to
allow it a certain amount of free movement axially. (Refer
to installation diagram.) The Cam Clutch will sustain
damage if the torque arm end tip is fixed securely.
8. A single torque arm is sufficient for models from BS30 to
BS220, BS160HS and BS200HS. One torque arm on
each side is required for models from BS220HS to
BS450HS and from BS220 to BS450, and to stop the
rotation by both torque arms so that the reverse load
operates on the torque arms evenly. It is recommended
to use the standardized torque arm and safety cover for
the BS Cam Clutch.
9. In case the ambient temperature rises 40°C and above, it
is recommended to set shield or roof and avoid direct
sunlight in order to extend the life span of Cam Clutch.
10. Refer to page 79 for "Lubrication and Maintenance".

Installation diagram of BS160-BS450 One Way Bearing Cam Clutch

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