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  • One Way Complete Freewheels FB

    Model: Complete Freewheels FB

    The customer attachment part is on the exter-nal diameter D and then bolted on to the face.The tolerance of the shaft must be ISO h6 or j6 and the tolerance of the pilot diameter D of the attachment part must be ISO H7 or J7.
  • Complete Freewheels Backstop Clutch FR

    Model: Complete Freewheels FR …

    Complete Freewheels FR … are sealed sprag freewheels in inch dimension with ball bearings. They are supplied oil-filled and ready for installation.
  • Complete Freewheels FKh

    Model: Complete Freewheels FKh

    Complete Freewheels FKh with hydrodynamic sprag lift-off are typically used in cases where an assembly can be driven from two or more motors or turbines at the same or similar high speed.
  • Complete FreewheelsBD … X

    Model: Complete FreewheelsBD … X

    Complete Freewheels BD … X are sealed sprag freewheels with ball bearings and sprag lift-off X. They are supplied oil-filled.
  • Internal Freewheels FDN

    Model: Internal Freewheels FDN

    Internal Freewheels FDN are sprag freewheels with anti-friction bearing dimensions.
  • Complete FreewheelsBD … R

    Model: Complete FreewheelsBD … R

    Complete Freewheels BD … R are sealed freewheels with rollers and ball bearings. They are supplied oil-filled.
  • Complete FreewheelsFBF

    Model: Complete Freewheels FBF

    Complete Freewheels FBF with mounting flange are sealed sprag freewheels with ball bearings. They are supplied oil-filled and ready
    for installation.
  • Complete Freewheels FGR

    Model: Complete FreewheelsFGR … R A1A2 and FGR … R A2A7

    Complete Freewheels FGR … R A1A2 and FGR … R A2A7 with mounting flange are sealed roller freewheels with ball bearings. They are oil
  • Complete Freewheels BM … X

    Model: Complete FreewheelsBM … X

    Complete Freewheels BM… X are sealed sprag freewheels with ball bearings and sprag lift-off X. They are supplied oil-filled and ready for
  • Complete FreewheelsBM … R

    Model: Complete FreewheelsBM … R

    Complete Freewheels BM … R are sealed roller freewheels with ball bearings. They are supplied oil-filled and ready for installation.
  • Complete Freewheels FGRN … R A5A6

    Model: Complete Freewheels FGRN … R A5A6

    Complete Freewheels FGRN… R A5A6 are sealed roller freewheels with ball bearings. They are oil lubricated.
  • Complete Freewheels BA … X and BC … X

    Model: Complete Freewheels BA … X and BC … X

    Complete Freewheels BA … X and BC … X with lever arm are sealed sprag freewheels with ball bearings and with sprag lift-off X. The sprag liftoff X ensures wear-free freewheeling operation when the inner ring rotates at high speed.
  • Complete Freewheels BA … XG and BC … XG

    Model: Complete Freewheels BA … XG and BC … XG

    Complete Freewheels BA … XG and BC … XG with lever arm are sprag freewheels with sprag lift-off X and grease-lubricated ball bearings.
  • Complete Freewheels BA … R and BC … R

    Model: Complete Freewheels BA … R and BC … R

    Complete Freewheels BA … R and BC … R with lever arm are sealed roller freewheels with ball bearings.
  • Complete Freewheels FGR … R A3A4 and FGR … R A2A3

    Model: Complete Freewheels FGR … R A3A4 and FGR … R A2A3

    Complete Freewheel FGR … R A2A3 and FGR … R A3A4 with lever arm are sealed roller freewheels with ball bearings. They are oil lubri-cated.
  • Complete Freewheels FRHD

    Model: Complete Freewheels FRHD

    Complete Freewheels FRHD with lever arm are sealed sprag freewheels with ball bearings. They are supplied oil-filled and ready for installation. The freewheels are arranged on through shafts or shaft ends.
  • Complete Freewheels FA

    Model: Complete Freewheels FA

    Complete Freewheels FA with lever arm are sprag freewheels with sleeve bearings. They are grease-lubricated and therefore maintenance free.
  • Complete Freewheels Backstop FAV

    Model: Complete Freewheels FAV

    Complete Freewheels FAV with lever arm are roller freewheels with sleeve bearings. They are grease-lubricated and therefore maintenance free.
  • Complete Freewheels FBE

    Model: Complete Freewheels FBE

    Complete Freewheels FBE with flexible shaft coupling are sealed sprag freewheels with ball bearings for coupling two aligned shafts. They are supplied oil-filled and ready for installation.
  • Complete Freewheels FBE … XG

    Model: Complete Freewheels FBE … XG

    Complete Freewheels FBE … XG with flexible shaft coupling are sprag freewheels with sprag lift-off X and grease-lubricated ball bearings for coupling two aligned shafts.
  • Complete Freewheels FBL

    Model: Complete Freewheels FBL

    Complete Freewheels FBL with shaft coupling are sealed sprag freewheels with ball bearings for coupling two shafts.
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